
Its roughly been a week since I’ve been working on Entity Embed module and about time I provide some updates. We’re off to a good start since the module is already functional. Though it still lacks a UI but its working fine in terms of embedding entities through text format. There’s a still a lot of work to do including better error handling and providing test coverage apart from the UI but nevertheless, its a pretty decent start in my opinion.

I was lucky that I didn’t had to start from scratch thanks to Dave Reid. For the UI part, we’re planning to use Entity Browser module which is also part of Drupal Media Initiative. Also, this module is recieving good support by community. Today itself, webflo provided link to a similar module which he integrated with current Entity Embed module. This links has further details:

If you have any ideas/suggestions feel free to contact me.

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Chandan Singh



Chandan Singh

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