
This post was supposed to come last week, but things got delayed. But here we are and after three weeks of GSoC, Entity Embed module is shaping up pretty good. A lot of interesting things happened last week. To begin with now the module is integrated with CKEditor and the basic UI is looking decent enough. Another major change was that now we support display plugins also, courtsey Dave Reid. This addition has greatly leveraged the scope of this module.

There’s another issue that plans to include the functionality of Twig into this module, which will make things more flexible. So, to sum it up this past week was very fruitful for us and we’re hoping this week we’ll have some more major changes. Our plans include adding a preview, caption etc. Hopefully by the end of next week we’ll have a module which we’ll be able to brag about.

To track progress of this project, visit the git repo:

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Chandan Singh



Chandan Singh

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