Hello Drupal! This is my first blog post after my proposal got accepted into Google Summer of Code 2014. I’ll briefly explain the idea here, and in following posts I’ll provide further details. The idea is to develop a module called ‘Entity Embed’ (https://drupal.org/project/entity_embed) for Drupal 8. This module will...

Proposal submitted for GSoC, pens down (at least for now!). I submitted proposal for ‘WYSIWYG Inline entity’ to Drupal. With a list that contained more than 10 organizations at a time but in the end I just shortlisted Drupal. Fingers crossed, wating for 21st April when Google will announce the...

So, this past Saturday and Sunday (15-16 March), I was at BITS-Hyderabad to attend a session on Beginner Python. Oh wait, did I say attend, that’s not completely true. I was there actually one of the speakers of the session. The session was actually spanned over 2 days. This was...

Voila! Finally after a long wait, I’m able to start a blog. But as they say it Better late than never. In the same spirit, I’m satrting this blog in hope to update this at least once every week. As the title says, this is just a humble beginnning, stay tuned...